Hey All, I figured I'd give a quick update into my life as a film student at DeSales University. First of all, some people may say being a TV/Film major is the easiest major. Who ever said that needs to be slapped in the face. The amount of sleep I have been running on from day to day is ungodly. But at least I'm having a blast while I'm awake. Currently I am the executive producer on a short film written/directed/and produced by all Freshman and Transfers into the program. We just thought it would be a good idea to get started with this film thing right off the bat. We had a few bumps getting it started in the beginning, but now its in full swing. I'm also working on 3 screenplays that are nearly impossible to finish, simply because I'm so busy working on other projects and homework.
This weekend we had our schools film festival and I was the only freshman or transfer to get something into the festival. Two of my friends and I earlier in the year decided to shoot a random music video over a weekend and try to get it into the festival. Not only did it make it in, but it was placed as the grand finale of the show. I volunteered to usher all the shows and although it was annoying watching the festival four times, it was fun watching the peoples reactions to all the projects. But again, I'm having a blast and I'm looking forward to the future. Hopefully that future involves an Oscar... :)

Here is my music video that was in the festival